Writing & Photography

Blog Content / Copywriting / Editing
(Quotes given per project depending on length of content, complexity, whether research is involved, if interviews are required, and whether visuals are provided, etc.)
Have a one-off writing project in mind? Need regular blog content? Need a piece of writing edited – perhaps someone to check English if you’re writing in your second language? I’d love to help.
My LinkedIn profile has a list of places my work has been published, across many topics but with a heavy emphasis on study abroad and travel. I’ve been blogging and writing in a variety of capacities for many years. I studied both business marketing and journalism at university and this sort of work is a true passion of mine.
I can provide images if a photoshoot is arranged or source them or use the images you provide. I can send a Word document or set up the blog post in WordPress, SquareSpace, Wix or whichever other platform you use.

I offer photography for a variety of purposes: behind-the-scenes photos of artists or craftspeople at work, for example, street photography for travel brands, photos for Instagram or blog use. I’ve had several exhibitions and you can see a list of places my photography has been published on my LinkedIn profile. Instagram will give a good indication of my style.
(Costs includes editing, any travel costs to be covered by client)
Please note: I don’t photograph events.